Domburg: Boulevard by the Bathpavilion

View of the boulevard with its iconic building

Painting height:             2.85 meter
Painting length:            19.8 meter
Period of time:              October 2013 – March 2015
Painting time:                about 960 man hours


The Bathpavilion is an iconic building from 1889 with its exuberant iconic Neo-Renaissance style. After a thorough restoration in 2008, it combines the functions of restaurant and apartments. Domburg, one of the oldest seaside resorts of the Netherlands, attracted the international elite thanks to the practice of Doctor Mezger (1838-1909, a butcher’s son from Amsterdam, who became one of the first physiotherapists) and the Domburg artists circle of well-known names like theToorop family and Piet Mondriaan.


This panorama is a tribute to the impressionistic painters that settled here to capture the Zeeland light. That is why the painter chose to paint the colours in this painting one octave higher. Due to lack of finance this painting was stalled for ten months. The basis of this painting is a red underground, over which hard complementary colours were used. This results in a sun-drenched whole.